The AAM held its first ANATAS on the 30th September 2023 at Palazzo Castelletti in Rabat. This Educational Event aimed to showcase the academic work performed by anaesthetic trainees during the course of their speciality training, enhance the oral presentation and public speaking skills of anaesthetic trainees in Malta, and formally recognize and award the best submissions.
Nine submissions were received from eight trainees, and all were orally presented at the 1st ANATAS to a strong audience of anaesthetic trainees, specialists and retired AAM members. The high-quality work and presentations competed for the available prizes in an environment of professional and friendly competition. It was heartening to observe the excellent member turnout, and this was an essential part of the 1st ANATAS’ success!
The judges, Dr Daniel Farrugia (AAM Vice-President), Dr Joseph Zarb Adami (AAM retired member) and Dr Paul Calleja (AAM member representing the Department of Anaesthesia), had a tough job selecting the winning entries. Educational grants were awarded to three submissions.
The first prize went to Dr Rebecca Galea, with her presentation titled “An Audit of the Epidural Analgesia Service at the Central Delivery Suite, Mater Dei Hospital, Malta”; the Second prize
was won by Drs Emma Hunter and Kristina Duca for their work, “An Audit on the Consumption of Inhalational Anaesthetic Agents at Mater Dei Hospital”; while the Third prize
was awarded to Drs Kristina Duca and Nicole Attard for a presentation on “Obstetric Admissions to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Malta over a six-year period (2016-2021)”.
The 1st ANATAS was hosted by Dr Petramay Attard Cortis, the AAM’s Education and Events Coordinator, with the invaluable support of all the AAM Committee members. Many attendees encouraged the AAM Committee to run the ANATAS as a yearly event… so, see you in 2024!